The PosiTector® 6000 is ideal for measuring the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on ferrous metals and non-conductive coatings on non-ferrous metals. There are 52 models available to cover a wide variety of coating thickness measurement needs.
ALL GAUGES COME COMPLETE with precision plastic shim(s), protective rubber holster with belt clip, wrist strap, 3 AAA alkaline batteries, instructions, convenient carrying case, protective lens shield, Long Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB, USB cable, two (2) year warranty.
Stock #
(Positector 6000-F1 0-60mil ferrous - standard gauge w/ removable F probe)
Stock # 20196-6FS1 (Positector 6000-FS1 0-60mil ferrous - standard gauge w/ removable FS probe)
Stock #
(Positector 6000-FS3 0-60mil ferrous - advanced gauge w/ removable FS probe)
Stock #
20196- 6FTS1 (Positector 6000-FS1 0-250mil ferrous - standard gauge w/ removable FTS probe)
Stock #
20196- 6FTS3 (Positector 6000-FS1 0-250mil ferrous - advanced gauge w/ removable FTS probe)
Stock #
20196-6FNS1 (Positector 6000-FNS1 0-60mil combo - standard guage w/ removable FNS probe)
Stock #
(Positector 6000 FNS3 0-60mil combo - advanced gauge w/ removable FNS probe)
Stock #
(Positector 6000 FN1 0-60mil combo - standard gauge w/ removable FN probe)
Stock #
(Positector 6000 FN3 0-60mil combo - advanced gauge w/ removable FN probe)
Stock #
20196-6NTS1 (Positector 6000 FNTS1 0-250mil combo - standard gauge w/ removable FNTS probe)
Stock #
20196-6NTS3 (Positector 6000 FNTS3 0-250mil combo - advanced gauge w/ removable FNTS probe)